An official report gave a comprehensive picture of how the education system in Scotland was performing. It included detailed national and local information, and also showed how Scotland compared with other countries.
Source: National Priorities in Education: Performance Report 2003 - National and Education Authority Information from 2001-2002, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report (pdf) | Report | SE press release | COSLA press release
Date: 2003-Dec
Researchers examined the experiences of children in Scotland nearing the end of primary education, and those just beginning their secondary education, regarding the transition to secondary school. Most children seemed to cope well with the move and were positive about preparation programmes. There were indications that more children of minority ethnic backgrounds (though still a minority) encountered more difficulties and disappointment.
Source: Catherine Graham and Malcolm Hill, Negotiating the Transition to Secondary School, SCRE Centre/University of Glasgow (0131 557 2944)
Links: Findings (pdf)
Date: 2003-Oct
The Scottish Executive outlined plans to reform the school curriculum, assessment and testing system, and reporting to parents. It said the proposed changes were designed to drive up standards in schools by putting in place a 'balanced, flexible and manageable curriculum' which was appropriately assessed. Proposals included a seamless 3-18 curriculum to ensure pupils moved smoothly from pre-school to primary and then secondary schools; replacing the annual 5-14 survey of attainment with a new Scottish 'survey of achievement' to provide 'a more complete and robust picture' of national attainment; replacing the existing system of 5-14 national tests with assessment procedures which placed greater emphasis on supporting and improving learning; and 'more meaningful' information for parents on how their children were progressing.
Source: Press release 25 September 2003, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400)
Links: SE press release
Date: 2003-Sep
A report said that integrated (formerly 'new') community schools in Scotland were perceived to have promoted more inclusive approaches for vulnerable pupils, and to have improved the recording and identification of vulnerable groups, particularly looked after and accommodated children. They had also improved pupils' attitudes to school, and had a marked impact on the curriculum in the areas of health education and promotion. But they had variable success in engaging families. (New community schools were established in 1999 to expand the range of services offered to young people in disadvantaged areas, with the intention of both raising attainment and promoting social inclusion.)
Source: Pamela Sammons, Sally Power, Karen Elliot, Pamela Robertson, Carol Campbell and Geoff Whitty, Key Findings from the National Evaluation of the New Community Schools Pilot Programme in Scotland, Insight 7, Scottish Executive (0131 244 0092)
Links: Report (pdf) | Report | SE press release
Date: 2003-Aug
A survey found that schools in Scotland were faced with inadequate staffing, resources, and time when trying to teach children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.
Source: Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties: Schools Survey, Educational Institute of Scotland (0131 225 6244)
Links: Survey (pdf)
Date: 2003-Jun
A comprehensive annual guide was published to all sectors of education and training in Scotland. A new chapter described key aspects of the increasingly global nature of Scottish education.
Source: National Dossier on Education and Training in Scotland 2003, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Date: 2003-Jun
A report examined the likely impact of a statutory mainstreaming presumption in Scotland for children with special educational needs (from August 2003). It was found that there would probably be a 9 per cent increase in SEN children educated in mainstream schools. Few local councils were able to provide evidence of either strategies to meet the requirements of mainstreaming, or 'best value' reviews of SEN.
Source: Moving to Mainstream: Inclusion of pupils with special educational needs in mainstream schools, Audit Scotland for Accounts Commission and Auditor General (0131 477 1234)
Links: Report (pdf) | Summary (pdf) | Key points (pdf)
Date: 2003-May
A committee of the Scottish Parliament set out ten criteria for educational reform in Scotland and a template for future educational policy. Key objectives included reducing the influence of assessment, testing and examinations; reducing the extent of direct central prescription in the curriculum; and reducing the influence of audit and inspection.
Source: Inquiry into the Purposes of Scottish Education, Sixth Report 2003, SP Paper 815, Scottish Parliament Education, Culture and Sport Committee, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report
Date: 2003-Mar
The Scottish Executive announced action to improve literacy among schoolchildren, including a project to 'twin' secondary schools with associated primary schools to review the way they teach reading and writing. This followed publication of three reports on the state of literacy and literacy teaching in schools. An inspectorate report found improvements in the early years of schooling, but under-achievement around ages 10-12.
Source: Press release 4.3.03, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400) | Report of the Sixth Survey of English Language (2001), Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400) | Rhona Johnston and Joyce Watson, Accelerating Reading and Spelling with Synthetic Phonics: A Five Year Follow Up, Insight 4, Scottish Executive (0131 244 0092) | Improving Achievement in English Language in Primary and Secondary Schools, HM Inspectorate of Education, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: SE press release | Survey report (pdf) | Survey report | Phonics report (pdf) | Phonics report | HMIE report (pdf) | HMIE report | HMIE press release (Word file)
Date: 2003-Mar
The Scottish Executive published its first ever lifelong learning strategy. The Scottish Higher and Further Education Funding Councils would be merged, and education maintenance allowances introduced to help around 40,000 young people stay on at school or college. Initial plans were announced at the same time for a new 'individual learning account' scheme (the first United Kingdom scheme was closed in December 2001).
Source: Life Through Learning; Learning Through Life, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566) | Press release 11.2.03, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400)
Links: Report (pdf) | Report | Summary (pdf) | Summary | Press release
Date: 2003-Feb
The Scottish Executive set out its strategic priorities for education, including increasing pupil choice in the school curriculum, simplifying and reducing the amount of assessment, reducing class sizes and improving pupil/teacher ratios.
Source: Educating for Excellence: Choice and Opportunity - The Executive's Response to the National Debate, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report (pdf) | Report
Date: 2003-Jan
The Scottish Executive published a strategy document, together with a draft Bill for consultation, aimed at modernising provision for pupils who need additional support for learning. It was proposed to move away from special educational needs terminology towards the concept of 'additional support needs' which would apply to all children who face difficulties in accessing education.
Source: Moving Forward! Additional Support for Learning, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566) | Draft Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Bill, Scottish Executive (0131 244 7139)
Links: Report (pdf) | Report | Draft Bill (pdf) | Draft Bill | Press release
Date: 2003-Jan