The Scottish Government published a Green Paper on the funding of higher education in Scotland. It set out a range of options, including raising fees for students from the rest of the United Kingdom: but it ruled out tuition fees for Scottish students.
Source: Building a Smarter Future: Towards a sustainable Scottish solution for the future of higher education, Scottish Government
Links: Green Paper | Summary | Scottish Government press release | SNP press release | Universities Scotland press release | Times Higher Education report | BBC report | Guardian report
Date: 2010-Dec
An article examined differences in the referencing of 'Europe' in education policy-making in England and Scotland in order to highlight the emergent complexity of post-devolution policy-making in education. Policy-makers in England referenced global influences, rather than Europe: whereas policy-makers in Scotland referenced Europe in order to project a new positioning of Scotland in closer alignment with Europe.
Source: Sotiria Grek and Jenny Ozga, 'Governing education through data: Scotland, England and the European education policy space', British Educational Research Journal, Volume 36 Number 6
Links: Abstract
Date: 2010-Dec
An article examined the impact on young people of an intensive citizenship programme in a large secondary school in Scotland. The results suggested that there had been a marked change in the general values of the young people involved. There were also some 'stark' gender differences.
Source: Henry Maitles, 'Citizenship initiatives and pupil values: a case study of one Scottish school's experience', Educational Review, Volume 62 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2010-Nov
A report said that students in Scotland might have to pay towards the cost of their degrees after they graduated. Higher education should be free at the point of entry and throughout study: but graduates should be asked to contribute towards the cost of higher education. There should be a minimum income threshold for payment of the contribution, and a relatively higher level of contribution from graduates on high incomes.
Source: Towards a Scottish Solution, Universities Scotland
Links: Report | BBC report | Times Higher Education report
Date: 2010-Oct
The Scottish Government published an action plan designed to raise standards of literacy at all stages, from the early years to adulthood.
Source: Literacy Action Plan: An action plan to improve literacy in Scotland, Scottish Government
Links: Action plan | Scottish Government press release
Date: 2010-Oct
The Scottish Government announced plans (following consultation and a review) to limit the size of primary school classes by law to 25 pupils.
Source: Press release 14 September 2010, Scottish Government | Review of Class Size Control Mechanisms: Report of the Working Group, Scottish Government
Links: Scottish Government press release | Review report | Voice press release | BBC report
Date: 2010-Sep
A think-tank report said that Scottish university graduates should contribute towards the cost of their higher education as a deferred fee, to be paid once they earned more than the average salary.
Source: Ben Thomson, Geoff Mawdsley and Alison Payne, Power to Learn, Reform Scotland
Links: Report | Reform Scotland press release | Telegraph report | BBC report
Date: 2010-Jun
The education inspectorate in Scotland highlighted the need to ensure that all educational provision for children and young people with social, emotional, and behavioural needs was of a consistently high quality. The quality of young people's learning experiences in off-site facilities was too variable, and there was 'considerable scope' for off-site bases to work more closely with mainstream schools and other partners to deliver better outcomes for children and young people.
Source: Out Of Site, Out Of Mind? An overview of provision for children and young people with behavioural needs in local authority bases and special schools, with examples of emerging good practice, HM Inspectorate of Education in Scotland
Links: Report | HMIE press release
Date: 2010-May