The Welsh Assembly government announced an 8 billion programme, over 15 years, to deliver a 'world class integrated transport system' throughout Wales. At the same time a Bill was introduced to give the National Assembly stronger powers to influence the development of an integrated transport system.
Source: Press release 7 December 2004, Welsh Assembly Government (029 2082 5111) | Transport (Wales) Bill, Wales Office, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: WAG press release | Text of Bill | Explanatory notes | HOC Library research paper (pdf) | Wales Office press release
Date: 2004-Dec
A second reading was given to a Bill to abolish the Strategic Rail Authority and transfer its strategic responsibilities and financial obligations to the government. It would also increase the role of devolved administrations and city transport executives, and reform passenger representation through changes to the Rail Passengers Council. Trade unions said they would be campaigning for amendments to the Bill that would establish a commitment to re-nationalization, creating an integrated, publicly owned and publicly accountable railway.
Source: Railways Bill, Department of Trade and Industry, TSO (0870 600 5522) | House of Commons Hansard, Debate 6 December 2004, columns 919-1009, TSO | Press release 6 December 2004, Trades Union Congress (020 7467 1294)
Links: Text of Bill | Explanatory notes | HOC Library research paper (pdf) | Hansard | DT press release | TUC press release | Transport 2000 press release | SE press release
Date: 2004-Dec
The Welsh Assembly government published a spatial plan for Wales - designed to shape how each area would develop economically, socially and environmentally.
Source: People, Places, Futures, Welsh Assembly Government (029 2082 5111)
Links: WAG press release
Date: 2004-Nov
A Bill was published to abolish the Strategic Rail Authority and transfer its strategic responsibilities and financial obligations to the government. It would also increase the role of devolved administrations and city transport executives, and reform passenger representation through changes to the Rail Passengers Council.
Source: Railways Bill, Department of Trade and Industry, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Text of Bill | Explanatory notes | DT press release | Transport 2000 press release | SE press release | HOC Library research paper (pdf)
Date: 2004-Nov
The Welsh Assembly government published a revised plan for sustainable development in Wales, including ten key action points.
Source: Sustainable Development Action Plan 2004-2007, Welsh Assembly Government (029 2082 5111)
Links: Plan | WAG press release
Date: 2004-Oct
A report examined the extent and characteristics of low-income home-owner households in Wales. It showed that low-income home-ownership was more widespread in Wales than elsewhere in Britain - including two-thirds of all low-income pensioner households in Wales, and two-fifths of all children living in low-income households.
Source: Roger Burrows and Steve Wilcox, Low-income Homeowners in Wales, York Publishing Services for Joseph Rowntree Foundation, available from York Publishing Services Ltd (01904 430033)
Links: Report (pdf) | Report (Welsh) (pdf) | Summary
Date: 2004-Oct
A research report gauged the potential of the community housing mutual model as a tenant management option, and a mechanism to promote community regeneration, through a review of similar housing ownership models. (The CHMM involves the transfer of housing to not-for-profit organizations, called community mutuals, whose management boards have significant community representation.)
Source: Housing, Mutuality and Community Renewal: A review of the evidence and its relevance to stock transfer in Wales, Welsh Assembly Government (029 2082 5111)
Links: Report (pdf) | Summary (pdf)
Date: 2004-Sep
A study examined the institutional and organizational arrangements which had emerged in Wales to tackle sustainable development. It found that the concept of sustainable development, the interfaces and pathways between the Welsh Assembly and local government, caused considerable confusion.
Source: Paul Williams and Alan Thomas, Sustainable Development in Wales: Understanding effective governance, York Publishing Services for Joseph Rowntree Foundation, available from York Publishing Services Ltd (01904 430033)
Links: Report (pdf) | JRF Findings 924
Date: 2004-Sep
The government responded to a report by a committee of MPs on rail services in Wales.
Source: The Provision of Rail Services in Wales: The government response, Third Special Report (Session 2003-04), HC 708, House of Commons Welsh Affairs Select Committee, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Response | MPs report | IWA press release
Date: 2004-Jul
A briefing paper said that people with asthma were more than twice as likely to live in damp houses; and that children had a greater prevalence of respiratory symptoms, as well as headaches and fevers, compared to children in dry houses.
Source: Housing and the Asthma Epidemic in Wales, Shelter Cymru (01792 469400)
Links: Report (pdf) | Shelter press release | BBC report
Date: 2004-Jul
A report by a committee of MPs said that the draft Transport (Wales) Bill contained provisions which would enhance the powers of the National Assembly for Wales in relation to transport, to enable it to deliver an integrated transport policy for Wales.
Source: Draft Transport (Wales) Bill, Fourth Report (Session 2003-04), HC 759, House of Commons Welsh Affairs Select Committee, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Report | IWA press release
Date: 2004-Jul
The Welsh Assembly Government was given greater responsibility for rail powers in Wales.
Source: The Future of the Railways, White Paper Cm 6233, Department for Transport, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: White Paper (pdf) | Summary | DT press release | IWA press release
Date: 2004-Jul
The draft Transport (Wales) Bill was published. It would provide the National Assembly for Wales with a range of transport-related powers.
Source: Draft Transport (Wales) Bill, Cm 6195, Wales Office, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Text of Bill (pdf) | Consultation letter (pdf) | Wales Office press release | WLGA press release
Date: 2004-May
A paper examined ways in which local government in Wales was contributing to sustainable development.
Source: Andrew Flynn and Alan Netherwood, Communities and their Quality of Life: How local government is delivering sustainable development, Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society/Cardiff University (029 2087 6562)
Links: Paper (pdf)
Date: 2004-May
A report said that the United Kingdom government should take a range of steps to ensure that the most sustainable consumer choices were also the least expensive.
Source: Jennie Bibbings, High Price to Pay: Consumer attitudes to sustainable consumption in Wales, Welsh Consumer Council (029 2025 5454)
Links: Links removed
Date: 2004-May
The Welsh Assembly Government began consultation on a new sustainable development action plan for Wales.
Source: Consultation on the Sustainable Development Action Plan of the Welsh Assembly Government, Welsh Assembly Government (029 2082 5111)
Links: Consultation document | WAG press release
Date: 2004-Mar
A report by a committee of MPs recommended additional powers for the Welsh Assembly over transport policy issues.
Source: The Provision of Rail Services in Wales, Third Report (Session 2003-04), HC 458, House of Commons Welsh Affairs Select Committee, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Report
Date: 2004-Mar
A report reviewed the implementation of homelessness legislation in Wales. Examples were found of good practice, and of innovative and effective projects. But there were also examples where the legislation and guidance were not being complied with fully.
Source: HACAS Chapman Hendy, Review of the Implementation of Homelessness Legislation, HRR 1/04, Welsh Assembly Government (029 2082 3353)
Links: Report (pdf) | Summary (pdf)
Date: 2004-Feb