A report by a committee of MPs said that the United Kingdom and Welsh Assembly governments should develop a more balanced energy mix which fully recognized the continuing importance of Welsh coal to the British electricity supply industry.
Source: Energy in Wales: Follow-up inquiry, First Report (Session 2007-08), HC 177, House of Commons Welsh Affairs Select Committee, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Report
Date: 2007-Dec
An article drew on developments in transport policy to examine the relationship between Whitehall and the devolved Welsh Assembly Government.
Source: Stuart Cole, 'Transport governance in Wales: a study in devolved government', Contemporary Wales, Volume 20 Number 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2007-Nov
A report said that although tackling social exclusion had been a high priority in Wales, the importance of transport was only now being recognized, and policy and practice needed further development.
Source: Accessibility for All: Public transport and social inclusion in Wales, Bevan Foundation (01495 725214)
Links: Report
Date: 2007-Sep
A blueprint for housing reform in Wales said that the key priorities were a lack of affordable housing to rent and buy, poor-quality housing that failed to meet the required standard, rising levels of homelessness, and better housing support for vulnerable people.
Source: WLGA Housing Policy Statement, Welsh Local Government Association (029 2046 8600)
Links: Statement | WLGA press release
Date: 2007-Jun
An inquiry report said that there was an urgent need to address the serious shortage of affordable homes in Wales. The Welsh national homelessness strategy was hardly recognized beyond people working in housing..
Source: An Unnatural Disaster: Report of the Commission of Inquiry into homelessness and poor housing conditions in Wales, Shelter Cymru (01792 469400)
Links: Report | BBC report | Inside Housing report
Date: 2007-Jun
A report said that finding households in Wales intentionally homeless often did nothing to deal with the cause of the problems affecting the individual, and indeed led to further exclusion and isolation of vulnerable households. Reforming intentional homelessness would enable local authorities and their partners to act flexibly and proactively to assist people with their support and accommodation needs.
Source: John Pritchard with John Puzey, Clear Intentions: Reforming intentional homelessness in Wales, Shelter Cymru (01792 469400)
Links: Report
Date: 2007-Jun
A report examined the difficulties that could develop in achieving effective access to housing for homeless (and potentially homeless) households in Wales once a local authority had transferred its housing stock.
Source: Homelessness and Stock Transfer: A guide to the issues and best practice, Cymorth Cymru (029 2055 3687)
Links: Report
Date: 2007-Mar
A report by a committee of the National Assembly for Wales said that more needed to be done urgently to address the problem of youth homelessness in Wales.
Source: 'Everyone's Business ? No-one's Responsibility', Social Justice and Regeneration Committee/National Assembly for Wales (029 2082 5111)
Links: News report
Date: 2007-Feb
An audit report said that the national homelessness strategy for Wales was helping to prevent homelessness: but further progress needed to be made to improve the co-ordination of activities to reduce homelessness, local prevention services, and evaluation.
Source: Tackling Homelessness in Wales: A review of the effectiveness of the national homelessness strategy, Wales Audit Office (029 2026 0260)
Links: Report | WAO press release
Date: 2007-Jan