The government responded to a report by a committee of MPs on the cross-border connectivity of the Welsh transport network.
Source: Cross-Border Provision of Public Services for Wales: Transport – Government Response to the Committee's Tenth Report, Ninth Special Report (Session 2008-09), HC 1099, House of Commons Welsh Affairs Select Committee, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Response | MPs report
Date: 2009-Nov
The Welsh Assembly government announced proposals designed to give the National Assembly powers to legislate on housing for the first time.
Source: The National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Housing and Local Government) Order 2010, Draft Statutory Instrument, Welsh Assembly Government, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Draft Order | Explanatory notes | BBC report | Inside Housing report
Date: 2009-Nov
The Welsh Assembly Government published (following consultation) a 10-year plan to cut homelessness and alleviate its social effects. Earlier prevention, linked to timely advice and direct help, would be achieved through changes to the way services were delivered for individuals and families to prevent them from becoming homeless. For those who did find themselves homeless, the plan was designed to improve the accommodation and other services available to them.
Source: Ten Year Homelessness Plan for Wales 2009 to 2019, Welsh Assembly Government (029 2082 5111)
Links: Plan | Consultation document | BBC report | Inside Housing report
Date: 2009-Jul
The Welsh Assembly Government began consultation on a national transport plan. The plan was based on three key elements: meeting the demand for enhanced mobility that would enable economic growth and improve the quality of life; putting transport on to a more sustainable and less carbon-intensive path; and using transport funding more effectively in light of increased pressures on public finances.
Source: National Transport Plan, Welsh Assembly Government (029 2082 5111)
Links: Consultation document | Consultation document (Welsh) | WAG press release | Passenger Focus press release
Date: 2009-Jul
A report by a committee of MPs called for steps to promote the cross-border connectivity of the Welsh transport network.
Source: Cross-Border Provision of Public Services for Wales: Transport, Tenth Report (Session 2008-09), HC 58, House of Commons Welsh Affairs Select Committee, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Report
Date: 2009-Jul
An audit report said that all housing associations in Wales were providing housing in a way that was satisfactory or better: but one-half of associations showed 'scope for considerable improvement' in relation to maintenance, and more than one-third were either 'showing weaknesses in process and performance' or 'failing to demonstrate capability' in relation to continuous improvement.
Source: Lessons from Inspection: Housing Association Inspection 2005-2008, Wales Audit Office (029 2026 0260)
Links: Report | WAO press release | CHC press release | Inside Housing report
Date: 2009-Mar
The Welsh Assembly Government began consultation on an energy efficiency and savings plan. The three key objectives were to: help reduce Wales's greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to the reduction of its wider ecological footprint; contribute to the reduction of fuel poverty; and support economic development by helping businesses become more energy efficient and providing new opportunities for business.
Source: National Energy Efficiency and Savings Plan: Consultation, Welsh Assembly Government (029 2082 5111)
Links: Consultation document | WAG press release | NEA press release | EST press release | BBC report
Date: 2009-Mar
The Welsh Assembly Government began consultation on a strategy for the future of the Supporting People programme (providing housing help and advice to the most vulnerable people).
Source: Supporting People: Housing Related Support Strategy, Welsh Assembly Government (029 2082 5111)
Links: Consultation document | WAG press release
Date: 2009-Feb
The Welsh Assembly Government began consultation on a new housing strategy. The key aims of the strategy were to: improve people's quality of life and opportunities for the future; work across all sectors, public and private, government and non-government, to increase the number of homes available; enable a wider range of housing options that met people's needs as their circumstances changed; and make homes more energy efficient and reduce carbon emissions.
Source: Sustainable Homes: A national housing strategy for Wales, Welsh Assembly Government (029 2082 5111)
Links: Consultation document | WAG press release | Inside Housing report
Date: 2009-Jan